One must read the books on Power and Influence, why? Power and influence have always driven the world. Power and influence drove the first of the battles, made man cross seas, and conquer kingdoms. Alexander the Great, at the peak of his life, had established a kingdom spanning across two continents to establish his power and influence across the globe.
Books have recorded numerous such power struggles and talk about the tales of how the kingdoms fell and rose between these tassels of power. Even in the modern world, these concepts do not take a back seat, as they have gained even more relevance now.
Power has always been looked at with a negative connotation. People often think that wanting power makes you corrupt whereas in reality it might simply be because you are ambitious. A person can want power simply to look out for his close people only whereas a person could also be determined to make life fair and distinguished for all around him, known and unknown .
In this article, we are going to explore selected 18 books that speak about the significance of Power and Influence and how you can navigate to obtain power and influence in your professional life.

- Here is a Quick List of the best Books on Power:
- The Prince
- The 48 Laws of Power
- The Art of War
- Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?
- Power: A Radical View
- The Dictator’s Handbook
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
- Power: Why Some People Have it and Others Don’t
- How To Win Friends & Influence People
- Social Intelligence
- In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People
- What do people say about it?
- Power and Influence
- The 50th Law
- Secrets of Power Negotiating
- No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs
- Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power
- Crowds and Power
- FAQ’s
Here is a Quick List of the best Books on Power:
1 | The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli |
2 | The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Green |
3 | The Art of War, by Sun Tzu |
4 | Workplace Poker, by Dan Rust |
5 | Power: A Radical View, by Steve Lukes |
6 | The Dictator’s Handbook, by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith |
7 | Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Dr. Robert Caldini |
8 | Power: Why Some People Have it and Others Don’tBy, Jeffrey Pfeffer |
9 | How To Win Friends & Influence People |
10 | The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and PowerBy, S. Alexander Haslam |
11 | Social Intelligence, By, Daniel Goleman |
12 | In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative PeopleBy George K. Simon, Jr. |
13 | Power and InfluenceBy, John P. Kotter |
14 | The 50th LawBy,Robert Greene & 50 Cent |
15 | Secrets of Power NegotiatingBy, Roger Dawson |
16 | No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobsby , Naomi Klein |
17 | Thomas Jefferson: The Art of PowerBy, Jon Meacham |
18 | Crowds and PowerBy, Elias Canetti |
The Prince

About the author
One of the most successful and decorated Diplomats of the early 16th Century, Machiavelli wrote this back when he was exiled from his role as a Florentine diplomat when the Medici took back power. The Prince was more of an occasional communication piece that portrays Machiavellli’s love for politics and international diplomacy, and his advice on how anyone should go up the rungs of power and influence.
What does the book talk about?
The Prince describes how an ideal Prince should work to stabilize his kingdom and rule it with an iron grip keeping the crisis of Italy after the French invasions as the background theme.
The book is a stark commentary on human nature, power and how a kingdom is to be ruled.
Why should you read it?
Many consider the book to be a crash course on making oneself guile and ruthless.
“If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”
Machiavelli’s writing transcends time boundaries and is relevant even today.It’s an essential book on leadership and on the duties of a leader. One can observe his theories on power and influence being applied to politics and business often, even after 5 centuries of the book’s publication.
What do people say about it?
“Another classic that should be a guide for all the leaders. His practical and subtle approach should be taken more into consideration nowadays.” – via verified Amazon Reviews.
Ranked in top 50 across major philosophy books on Amazon, with an average 4.5 Stars out of 5 with close to 5,000 reviews, THE PRINCE is known to be a Cult-Classic across the readers in Philosophy, Military and Politics genre, and still commands a huge following.
A must read for everyone who wishes to understand the political intricacies behind a successful power establishment.
It is available on Amazon in the following formats
Hardcover | $12.50 |
Audible Logo Audiobook | $0.00 |
Kindle | $0.20 |
The 48 Laws of Power

About the author
Robert Greene is a well celebrated American author on strategy, power and influence.
He has penned down six International Bestsellers, of which The 48 Laws of Power, published in 1998 is his first international best seller.
What does the book talk about?
The book covers a span of 3000 years of History that talks about different excerpts of history from different points of time and includes 48 pieces of wisdom from each of these excerpts that talk about the different dynamics to establish a successful power structure.
The book is a verbal distillation of personal and public experiences, wisdom you derive from those experiences that becomes a how-to guide for anyone who is power hungry and ambitious.
Why should you read it?
As a person navigating through politics, the reins of a corporate ladder,or just life in general – it is a must read. If you simply want to understand the game of power and why certain situations turn out in a particular way, it should be on your reading list.
“A person who cannot control his words shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.”
The book teaches the readers how to hold their ground in real world , contrary to what people think it teaches – “to be corrupt, evil and heretic”, with examples from real life involving the teachings and experiences of people like Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Queen Elizabeth I, and other famous figures who have wielded – or been victimized by – power.
One of the most critically acclaimed books on power and influence, this book should be on your reading list if you are looking for personal growth.
What do people say about it?
“This book has controversy, but most of it stems from reviewers that believe all people are good inside and unicorns deliver their vegan low fat cappuccino with cream. Well, most people aren’t kind, and this book prepared me for reality.” – through verified Amazon Reviews.
Rated 4.7 out of 5 on Amazon with 46,000 reviews and ranking #12 in Top 20 of Amazon Charts for June, 2022. THE 48 LAWS OF POWER is available on on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $11.60 |
Audible Logo Audiobook | N/A |
Kindle | $16.99 |
The Art of War

About the author
Sun Tzu, was a Chinese military general and strategist in ancient China, who lived around 500 BCE. It is essentially one of the first documents on military strategies and still continues to hold its relevance in the modern world.
What does the book talk about?
The Art of War is a 13-chapter book with a basic premise of how war or confrontations should be avoided in general and yet if they are unavoidable one should overcome them strategically and psychologically, to avoid damage and minimize resource expenditure.
Why should you read it?
The book talks about “choosing your own battles” – choosing to engage only when there is no other option left.
As a CEO or a corporate official, you always have to choose your “battles” – between project proposals, client meetings , and prioritizing negotiation requests. The teachings can obviously be translated into personal life as well, choosing how to balance personal and professional life.
The book is a professionally prescribed decision-making & power strategy-making book that is relevant centuries after being written.
What do people say about it?
The book has been an inspiration for many well known historical figures such as Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist revolutionary or Luis Felipe Scolari, the Brazilian National Football Team coach who led Brazil to their 2002 World Cup, who have publicly accredited their success to the preachings of Sun Tzu in the ART OF WAR.
ART OF WAR book is rated 4.6 out of 5 on Amazon and ranks #16 in the Analytic Philosophy category on Amazon charts. THE ART OF WAR is available on on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $8.99 |
Hardcover | $18.39 |
Kindle | $2.79 |
Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?

About the author
Dan Rust is an international Corporate training resource manager who has been writing and speaking on a variety of career management topics for more than 20 years .
What does the book talk about?
In the Workplace Poker , Dan Rust gives us strategies that are needed for a head start in the career-game.
The book feels less of a sermon-book or instruction manual and more of an interactive talk between the author and the reader.
The author not just talks about a power hunger approach of ruthlessness but on the contrary it also talks about boosting productivity and talks about the positive ways you can contribute to your workplace.
Why should you read it?
Rust’s primary goal as the author is to provide proper developmental skills to the reader that will help them navigate in their career better. The book gives us a heads up on the different types of powerful and influential people and how they can help shape your career.
The book emphasizes how ambition, talent, hard-work are important for a better trajectory in a career but they are not enough to help you scale the summit, and for those who are ignorant to how the corporate world works, the book comes in as a messiah.
What do people say about it?
“A good read on resilience and office environment/politics. Reasonably engaging and common sense filled, the author uses a wide variety of vignettes and examples to bring the book alive and make the situations described more relatable.”
- Via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.5 stars out of 5, the book is in top charts across Workplace Culture as well as Job Hunting & Career categories on Amazon.
The Workplace Poker is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $22.99 |
Hardcover | $25.99 |
Kindle | $7.76 |
Power: A Radical View

About the author
Steven Michael Lukes is a celebrated academician who is well known for his multiple theories across the fields of study in politics and social theory.
What does the book talk about?
The book has had multiple versions with the latest 3rd edition that was revised and brought out with more extensive commentary in 2021.
The book “establishes the three dimensions of power” and how they directly as well as indirectly influence different situations. The book also contains important and influential contributions from Michael Foucault as well.
Why should you read it?
Be it as an academic who has to read it, or a person who is interested in a more scholarly and philosophical analysis of power dimensions and influence, the book works wonders to help you expand your horizons.
The book is more of a scholarly commentary and derives concepts of power dimension and argues with the Focaultian point of view on power and influence. The book considers the various natures of power as seen across multiple empirical evidences in real life, across history.
The book is updated to reverb with a more recent audience and to help the book stay relevant even today, with its numerous case studies and two new added chapters.
What do people say about it?
“I was assigned this text for a graduate course and it is very interesting. While it was hard to get my mind around the concepts of Lukes’ views on power, once I did, I understood the material and understood why he is a leader in this field.” – via verified Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, the book is in top charts across Sociology as well as Social Sciences categories on Amazon.
Power: A Radical View is available on on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $41.95 |
Hardcover | $111.93 |
Kindle | $28.49 |
The Dictator’s Handbook

About the author
The authors Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith are celebrated writers of political theory who authored this best seller together.
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, is a political scientist at New York University and senior Fellow at Stanford.He specializes in international relations, foreign policy, and nation building.
Alastair Gibson Smith was a New Zealand academic in the field of information science and was a celebrated academician at the Victoria University of Wellington.
What does the book talk about?
The book is a galvanized anthology of what dictators might do to stay in power throughout.It answers the simple questions – such as what do tyrants do to hold on to power so long?
We often believe that these “dictators” or “tyrants “ are essentially just bad people who do whatever they do simply out of their will,when in reality, the actions are not anomalies but logical outcomes from a system that incentivises this behavior and makes it necessary for their survival.
This book provides a rather truthful depiction and a new way to understand the complex politics above the everyday tidbits.
Why should you read it?
The Dictator’s Handbook is not about Dictators specifically but about all forms of leadership and what it takes to get there and remain there.
The writers draw comparisons from different corporate as well as political fields and show how the power structure of a major Western Corporation is almost no different from that of African Dictatorships. The book will help you understand how power and influence can change the course of actions of institutions larger than just individuals.
What do people say about it?
“The guys nailed the behaviors of dictators. The wider view of the cases they refer gives their conclusions credibility.” – via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks top #8 in Comparative Political Science category on Amazon.
The Dictator’s Handbook Is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $12.59 |
Hardcover | $40.19 |
Kindle | $11.99 |
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

About the author
Dr. Robert Caldini is a celebrated American psychologist and an academic of business, marketing and psychology at Stanford University as well as University of California.
What does the book talk about?
This book explains in layman terms the ideas and ways of persuasion and how you can influence decisions.
It also lays bare the simple psychological tricks big corporations often use everyday to influence masses into buying their products, and at the same time make you a bit more wary and more attentive towards the different marketing gags.
Why should you read it?
The book is a great read for anyone who wants to influence and persuade people. Anyone who wishes to uncover the psychological intricacies that are behind a decision are all well noted in this book.
“A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we provide a reason. People simply like to have reasons for what they do.”
If you’re seeking for a book that will help you develop both personally and professionally by providing you with more understanding of the psychology of persuasion,and how you can use it for influencing people and gathering power on your corner, this is the book you need.
What do people say about it?
“If you want to understand better how the human psyche works and how it is manipulated by small tricks, this is the book to read. Easy to read, great examples and it will make you understand why you ended up buying that blender that you really didn’t need.”
– via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, the book ranks top #2 in Marketing & Consumer Behavior, #3 in Marketing & #7 in Popular Applied Psychology categories on Amazon.
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $25.50 |
Hardcover | $17.89 |
Kindle | $4.77 |
Power: Why Some People Have it and Others Don’t

About the author
Jeffrey Pfeffer is an American business theorist and an academician at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and a highly celebrated and influential management thinker.
What does the book talk about?
Jeffrey Pfeffer in this book talks about the seven personal qualities that help you build power and the simple steps that you can take to increase your circle of influence and possibly establish one.
Instead, Pfeffer’s study reveals that sheer political competence is what distinguishes those who hang onto power. They are aware that power is a prize that can be obtained by deft interpersonal skills and is rarely offered in exchange for diligence and exceptional achievement.
Why should you read it?
The book is a great read for everyone, be it a novice entering the workforce to the seasoned executive who wishes to tip the scales of power towards themselves.
“Believing that the world is fair, people fail to note the various land mines in the environment that can undermine their careers.”
A simple observation such as how your career is least shaped by your performance, and it depends more on how and who find you useful. A bit harsh to hear, but again the world isn’t really a beautiful posse of flowers.
Bottom line: worry about your relationship with your boss more than you worry about your performance.
What do people say about it?
“ Concise and Direct Analysis of Power and How it is Exercised” – via Amazon reviews.
With an average of 4.5 stars out of 5, the book ranks top in Outdoors & Nature, Business Management , Business Processes & Infrastructure categories on Amazon.
Power: Why Some People Have it and Others Don’t is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | N/A |
Hardcover | $17.94 |
Kindle | $15.99 |
How To Win Friends & Influence People

About the author
Dale Carnegie, was an American writer and lecturer who was among the first to develop courses in self-improvement, salesmanship & interpersonal skills. His book “How To Win Friends & Influence People” was published in 1936 and even now continues to be a bestseller in its category.
What does the book talk about?
“How To Win Friends & Influence People” is a book that gives you the tools and ideas you need to make friends, influence others and get them into your corner. You can do this simply by looking past yourself, being interested in the other person’s life, making them feel important.
On the contrary to most books on power and confluence that teach you to be a ruthless leader with less charm, this book teaches you to gather the influence you need without having to be cold and unreceptive towards the people around you.
The book is full of decency and teaches a mutual respect for your fellow human beings without looking at the toxic aspect of companionship. The book gives you 8 basic rules that help you establish your circle of influence and gather soft power.
Why should you read it?
“If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”
Rather than condemning someone, it is preferable to attempt to understand them and identify the motivation behind their acts. This is far more pleasant and useful than criticizing because it increases our patience, understanding, and compassion.
The book is a must for anyone who wishes to be more socially receptive, and want people to be more accepting of them and exert a bit of influence on them.
What do people say about it?
“A book essential to any working professional’s toolbox.” – via Amazon Reviews.
With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, the book ranks #42 in Amazon’s Bestseller books chart.
How To Win Friends & Influence People is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $10.60 |
Hardcover | $29.49 |
Kindle | $0.65 |
The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power

About the author
S. Alexander Haslam is a University of Exeter Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology.
Stephen Reicher is a social psychology professor at the University of St Andrews.
Michael Platow is an Associate Professor of Social Psychology, at the Australian National University .
What does the book talk about?
While the usual books talk about refining oneself and the characteristics that make an individual a good leader, this book furthers the idea of “we” rather than “I”, borrowing from the psychological tenet of the social identity theory.
The fact that people are more receptive and want to follow someone with whose work they can relate and feel that they play a role in helping the leader succeed helps to gather support easily. This situation can be translated to multiple historical events of the past.
The book shifts the focus to a more newer Psychology of leadership that moves beyond the self centricity of the “great man” to a more holistic view that includes followers and other support groups.
Why should you read it?
“Leadership that is grounded in shared identity will always win out over that which is grounded in ego.”
The book provides us with a wealth of evidence from historical contexts and modern times to provide an expanded explanation of how “Leadership” is a process of identity leadership in action.
This book will appeal to academics, researchers, and students of psychology, business, and management and anyone interested in the workings of leadership, influence, and power.
What do people say about it?
“Well-written, lucid, and backed by studies and examples, this is a genuine gem among leadership literatures.” – via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Popular Psychology, Popular Applied Psychology & Psychology section in Amazon.
The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $41.00 |
Hardcover | $160.00 |
Kindle | $31.80 |
Social Intelligence

About the author
Daniel Goleman is a celebrated author, psychologist and a science journalist. He has written numerous columns and pieces on brain and behavioral sciences. Emotional intelligence is his best-selling work that got him on The New York TImes bestseller list for a year and a half, with more than 5 million copies in circulation worldwide in more than 40 languages.
What does the book talk about?
In this book, Daniel Goleman puts forth the idea of the existence of a set of character traits apart from the IQ that helps certain individuals to navigate through life easily and reach higher socially, simply due to their ability to gauge social situations and deal with them easily – the idea of Social Intelligence.
They define social intelligence as a collection of interpersonal abilities based on distinct brain circuits that motivate people to be productive.
Social Intelligence is what makes people mirror their idols, or simply having the social skills to enlist others aid and support to perform better where technical expertise and IQ failed to deliver.
Why should you read it?
“Your work is the single greatest means at your disposal for expressing your social intelligence.”
The book describes multiple case studies that show how social intelligence can help you overturn unwanted and unpleasant situations at work or at home.
The implications of our social interactions and how they play into shaping our future is beautiful to understand. The true idea of “We are all connected” is visible through the emotional intelligence theory that the author has beautifully explained in this book.
Goleman concludes that in a society where the social brain serves as “a built-in guiding system for charity, good works, and compassionate behaviors,” wonderful things can happen.
The book ties in the importance of Social Intelligence and how powerful and influential people have been able to master their Social Intelligence to influence people.
What do people say about it?
“Written well, by a prolific researcher and one who shares his gained knowledge so readily…..bravo!!” – via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly in the Popular Applied Psychology section in Amazon.
Social Intelligence is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $12.97 |
Hardcover | N/A |
Kindle | $11.99 |
In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People

About the author
George K. Simon, Jr. is an internationally acclaimed expert on manipulators and an author of 3 critically acclaimed best selling books, of which “In Sheep’s Clothing” was his first.
What does the book talk about?
Dr. George Simons explains in this book how manipulation works and what makes the manipulators work. He explains how manipulators always manage to get better of you and ways to identify them yourself.
Your employer can take advantage of your vulnerabilities, or a coworker could subtly sabotage your efforts while pretending to be helpful. People that are manipulative want to win and look good doing it.
Frequently, the victims of their abuse are only dimly aware of what is taking place.The book talks about manipulators and the different ways they push their own agenda and justify their behavior.
Why should you read it?
“Past behavior is the single most reliable predictor of future behavior.”
The book gives us many such ways to look at a person’s behavior and find those emotional and social cues that can help a person understand if they are being manipulated or not by the person in front of them.
The bottom line stands as : “Nobody is sympathetic. In Fact some people are aggressively predatory in nature out there to exploit and emotionally manipulate everyone they meet, to achieve their goals.
You can avoid them and their manipulations by simply knowing yourself better, work on your flaws and above all know when to be assertive and firm.
What do people say about it?
“I’ve not read a more eye opening book. It hits the problem nail right on the head. If you suspect someone is manipulating you, please read this most valuable book. It will truly pull the wool off of your eyes.” – via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Anger Management Self Help & Interpersonal Relations section in Amazon.In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $11.94 |
Hardcover | N/A |
Kindle | $9.55 |
Power and Influence

About the author
John P. Kotter is a Harvard Professor, a New York Times best-selling author, an award-winning business and management thought leader, a business owner, and the go-to expert on leadership and change. His concepts, writings, talks have inspired people all over the world to better manage their own lives and companies at a time of accelerating change.
What does the book talk about?
Originally published in 1985, the book is an almanac with prescriptive remedies to navigate through the workplace politics that hold relevance even today.
The book looks at your average workspace from three main levels: the novice entry level, the intermediate worker’s level and the ones in boardroom chairs. Each level has its own set of power struggles and influence wars going on.
The book is full of practical advice on how to navigate the workplace despite the “bureaucracy, politics and destructive power struggles” that are common to these places.
Why should you read it?
“Without credible communication, and a lot of it, the hearts and minds of others are never captured.”
The book will help you as an individual to understand how to go past the traps of naivete and cynicism and at the same time understand how to manage the relevant office relationships and keep the bosses in our corner.
It’s not a book for those into “grabbing-power”. It is for those who wish to create a responsive working atmosphere around themselves and make the dynamics of power work for them instead of the other way around.
What do people say about it?
“Nicely structured and well written book. Has a lot of examples from different organizations. It talks about navigating through the matrix and influencing people in today’s complex business milieu.”
With an average of 4.2 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Motivational Management & Leadership section in Amazon.
Power and Influence is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $11.39 |
Hardcover | $31.84 |
Kindle | $9.85 |
The 50th Law

About the author
A second classic by Robert Greene which was penned down collaboratively with Curtis Jackson popularly known as 50 Cent, the famous rap artist and musician.
The book is a form of semi-autobiography that charts 50 Cent’s life from the suburbs as a hustler to the world famous artist he is, with explanations and anecdotes from historical references.
What does the book talk about?
The book kind of acts as a sequel to the “48 Laws of Power”. While the 48 Laws of Power talks about different ways to take control and amass power, this book explores conquering fear and harnessing it to move up in life.
The book talks in length about the power of being fearless and goes over 9 different concepts of fearlessness, all the while examining 50 Cent’s life as well as historical people through the kaleidoscope of these concepts and how moved up in life being fearless.
Why should you read it?
“Your fears are a kind of prison that confines you within a limited range of action. The less you fear, the more power you will have and the more fully you will live.”
The book illustrates how difficult characters like opportunism, assertiveness, and self-belief may be exploited to maximize success in business and personal life as well.
Anyone who wants to understand how a life without fear can set you on a better career path, a better trajectory and move you up to the power rungs, should read and check this book out.
What do people say about it?
“The 50th Law” by 50 Cent & Robert Greene is an unexpected hidden gem that is worth its weight in diamonds” – via Amazon Reviews.
With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly on the Popular Culture in Social Sciences section in Amazon.
The 50th Law is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $13.93 |
Hardcover | $17.99 |
Kindle | $4.67 |
Secrets of Power Negotiating

About the author
Roger Dawson is a well acclaimed business mogul – turned full time speaker and author. He is a well- respected trainer and speaker who travels around the world helping big corporations to teach their people to improve sales and profits using power and negotiating tactics.
What does the book talk about?
There is a very strong connection between a person in power and a successful negotiator. The book talks about Negotiation as a skill that can bring you vast successes in life irrespective of the field you are dealing in, be it personal or professional.
The book talks about the different stages of negotiation. The three stages involve: establishing criteria to know what the other side wants, get information on what they can offer and how they can help, and finally reach a compromise which favors you.
Why should you read it?
“What you say in the first few moments of a negotiation often sets the climate of the negotiation”
The book is a must read for anyone who wishes to be a power negotiator. Debunking the idea of the “win-win” situation that negotiators often boast about, the book helps you get on the winning side of every negotiation.
The book covers every possible situation in a negotiation and every kind of person you will possibly negotiate with. Their character traits, their tells and the tricks to overpower them, all laid bare for you. It is not just an all sermon book but rather a practical guide that draws on practical examples and anecdotes with historical contexts.
What do people say about it?
“ Negotiating is a life skill; this is the best book I know on the subject” – via Amazon reviews
With an average of 4.7 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Business Negotiating section in Amazon.
Secrets of Power Negotiating is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $16.16 |
Hardcover | N/A |
Kindle | $9.99 |
No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs

About the author
Naomi Klein is a Canadian author well known for her social activism and political analysis on multiple aspects of corporate globalization and capitalism. She is a celebrated author with her book “No Logo” being an anti-Globalisation movement manifesto, which is also an international bestseller selling over a million copies.
What does the book talk about?
No Logo is essentially a book for anyone who is tired of the relentless intrusions of the global corporations into the daily lives and decisions of people.
The book shows the comparative history of the popular companies of the past who relied on quality for building their brands whereas the new age corporations spent more on marketing their brands and establishing it instead of ensuring quality of products and the trickle down effect it has on choices and jobs of people.
Why should you read it?
“So, if consumers are like roaches, then marketers must forever be dreaming up new concoctions for industrial-strength bug spray.”
The book deconstructs the different marketing gimmicks of the famous companies and how they tie down to influence our everyday decisions and how they feed on the money that is earned through exploiting the consumers’ insecurities.
The book is recommended for the 57-year-old, extremely wealthy CEO of a global corporation, the 33-year-old curious in how the influence of powerful companies has altered recently, and anybody looking for methods to make the world a more equal place.
No Logo shows us how much power and influence big corporations hold over consumers and the ways they influence our decisions.
What do people say about it?
“No Logo is an attractive sprawl of a book describing a vast confederacy of activist groups with a common interest in reining in the power of lawyering, marketing, and advertising to manipulate our desires.” – via Amazon Reviews
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Radical Political Thought section in Amazon.
No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $14.89 |
Hardcover | N/A |
Kindle | $12.99 |
Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

About the author
Jon Meacham is a celebrated Pulitzer prize winning writer, reviewer and historian who is well known for his biography on Andrew Jackson. He is also the contributing Editor to Time Magazine & a Historian at the Washington National Cathedral.
What does the book talk about?
The book is a biography of the third president of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson. There are many biographies that exist on Thomas Jefferson and yet The Art of Power is the most critically acclaimed among them.
The book is shorter than most other available biographies that are in the market and within less than 500 words it has managed to paint a better picture and capture the essence of the power struggles that the former President had to face and the political aptitude with which he maneuvered around them.
Why should you read it?
“Broadly put, philosophers think; politicians maneuver. Jefferson’s genius was that he was both and could do both, often simultaneously. Such is the art of power.”
The book explores how despite being a person who would avoid conflict, Jefferson used this ability or reservation to work his way to the higher echelons of position and power.
Jefferson was successful because he was both a politician and a philosopher, an idealist and a tactical strategist.
The versatility of Jefferson to successfully outmaneuver his political opponents all while maintaining his circle of influence and power is sure one to look up to and be inspired from.
What do people say about it?
“An outstanding biography that reveals an overlooked steeliness at Jefferson’s core that accounts for so much of his political success.”
With an average of 4.6 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the History & Theory of Politics section in Amazon.
Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $14.14 |
Hardcover | N/A |
Kindle | $4.06 |
Crowds and Power

About the author
Elias Canetti was a Bulgarian born writer who used to be primarily a German-language writer.
He is known as a modernist novelist, playwright and non-fiction writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1981.
He is arguably best known for his work “Power and Control”.
What does the book talk about?
Crowds and Power by Elias Canetti examines the ongoing conflict between individualism and the desire to blend in with the masses.
The book is an insightful inquiry into what defines a crowd, why do we become a part of them and how they influence power or rather get influenced by power.
The book explores the dilemma of individuality vs pack mentality, and also lays down the different types of crowds that exist, their sources and the emotions they carry. How they can be influenced.
Why should you read it?
“A crowd exists so long as it has an unattained goal.”
Are you an individual who wants to understand and explore the intricacies of human nature around the herd mentality and use it to rise to the position of influence.
The book examines how these dynamics shape everything from political movements to religious movements to music concerts and how they shed light on the complexities and true meaning of power. The book will open your eyes to easily crowds get influenced and how they respond to power.
What do people say about it?
“Canetti strips away the trappings of civilization and depicts human beings as what we, at base, are – animals.”
With an average of 4.5 stars out of 5, the book ranks highly among the Behavioral Sciences section in Amazon.
Crowds and Power is available on Amazon in the following formats
Paperback | $16.99 |
Hardcover | $1,200.00 |
Kindle | $10.49 |
Are there any books about power?
There are many good books that deal with the topic of power and influence a few among them are;
The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli
The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Green
The Art of War, by Sun Tzu
Workplace Poker, by Dan Rust
Power: A Radical View, by Steve Lukes
The Dictator’s Handbook, by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Dr. Robert Caldini
Power: Why Some People Have it and Others Don’t, By, Jeffrey Pfeffer
What are the benefits of The 48 Laws of Power?
As a person navigating through politics, the reins of a corporate ladder,or just life in general – it is a must read. If you simply want to understand the game of power and why certain situations turn out in a particular way, it should be on your reading list.
Is the 50th Law of Power based on 50 Cent’s life?
The book is a form of semi-autobiography that charts 50 Cent’s life from the suburbs as a hustler to the world famous artist he is, with explanations and anecdotes from historical references.
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